This picture was taken for fun in Branson, Missouri on our yearly vacation. We went to the Landing to shop, while we were there everyone took pictures and this is probably my favorite. Photos like these me remember the fun times I’ve had with my family. Also how my Grandma and my girlfriends Grandma became friends. This photo is meant to be seen by anyone and forever to remember these two people.
This photo was part of my senior pictures. I like it because jet skiing is one of my favorite things to do with my family. The picture will remind people of that for years. The photographer didn’t have much of an emotional relationship with this subject since she is a professional photographer and sees many different subject matters. I had this picture printed in a wallet size to give out to several people so they could look at it whenever and however long they want.
This picture was taken to capture a person in flight or falling. I am sure that there was some type of relationship between the skydivers and the photographer because they would have to trust each other to get that close to take the picture and have probably been do that together for a while. This type of photo was probably intended to get a quick reaction from a person by the skydivers facial expressions and then move on.